dimanche 21 novembre 2010

Fondant aux pommes

(English text follows)

Parfois les meilleurs desserts sont les plus simples! Quelques pommes qui se flétrissaient dans le panier, se sont transformées en un tournemain en une délicieuse conclusion à notre repas dominical.

* 6 pommes
* 2 oeufs battus
* 90 ml de lait
* 2 c/s d'huile d'olive
* 1 c/s de rhum
* 60 g de farine
* 60 g de sucre
* 1 sachet de levure chimique

Mélanger les ingrédients secs et ajouter les liquides.Mélanger énergiquement jusqu'à ce que la pâte bulle.
Peler et évider le coeur de pommes, les couper en deux et trancher finementà l'aide d'une mandoline. Mettre les tranches de pomme au fur et à mesure dans la pâte.
Verser dans un moule à manquer en tassant et lissant bien. Cuire 25mn th200°. Laisser refroidir avant de déguster.


Sometimes the best desserts are made out of the simplest ingredients! A few apples that were getting old on the counter were turned in a whim in one of my favorite dessert as of late.

* 6 apples
* 2 eggs
* 90 ml milk
* 2 tbsp olive oil
* 1 tbsp rum
* 60 g flour
* 60 g sugar
* 15 g baking powder

Mix the dry ingredients and add the wet ones. Whisk together well until the mixture gets bubbly.
Peel and core the apples, cut in half and cutthin slices with a mandolin slicer. Add the slices to the dough as you cut them.
Pour the dough in a baking dish, pack it down and smooth the top. Cook for about 25mn th200°. Let it cool before serving.

4 commentaires:

MOM a dit…

et le petit plus: chantilly arrosée de salidou! un régal.

wlhsiao a dit…

I tried this one yesterday and it turned out well! How fine did you cut of apples because I only sliced them and mine turned out looking nothing like yours... I also added some crashed walnuts for texture, some nutmeg and cinnamon for flavouring.

Poppy a dit…

I used the thinnest grid on the mandoline so the slices were really...well, thin.
The original recipe called for a crunchy top made of butter, sugar and oatmeal, but I didn't care much for all that extra butter and sugar ;-)
I think it would be very good with vanilla pods too!

wlhsiao a dit…

I did add some vanilla extract as well :-) I'll have to try it again with thinner sliced apple. It's really delicious and fairly healthy. I posted mine on Picasa and Facebook.